Nicolai M. Josuttis: IT-Communication    Training: SOA - From Hype to Reality

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SOA and Integration Architectures

in German

CIOs, CTOs, system architects, technical project managers, software developers

Format: Presentation and discussion
Background: Basic knowledge of software development in IT systems
Duration: 1 - 2 day(s)

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is hype. According to Gartner, by 2008, SOA will provide the basis for 80% of development projects. However, we see all the effects of a hype of a very new topic. Especially, there is not even a common understanding about the core terms such as "SOA" and "service".

In this tutorial, Nicolai Josuttis tries to separate the SOA hype from reality. As a team leader of the realization of a SOA at a world-wide mobile phone company with a heterogeneous infrastructure, about 30 service participants, and about 300 services in production, he knows about the big difference between was is being said and promised about SOA and what it means in practice to run a SOA in a large and heterogeneous environment.

Starting with a clarification and classification of the fundamental SOA concepts, he will present all the steps of bringing SOA into production. Facts and knowledge based on a broad understanding of large and distributed systems spiced with important aspects based on his experience.

Note that this tutorial covers the concepts and isn't just a tutorial about WebServices (although there is a lot to say about WebSerives as a preferred SOA implementation strategy).

Objectives: After this tutorial the participants will
understand the concepts and definitions of SOA,
be able to distinguish between hype and reality of the SOA approach, and
know a lot about the real benefit (and its effort) a SOA can provide for an enterprise.

- Definition(s) of SOA und Services
- SOA Terminology
- Understanding the SOA Concept and Hype
- Definition and Classification of Services
- Web-Services, WSDL, REST
- Integrations architecturs and ESB's
- Lifecycles and Versioning
- Business Process Management (BPM)
- Orchestration with BPEL and BPMN
- Managed SOA, Repositories, Registries
- Performance
- Security
- Establishing of a SOA and Model-Driven SOA
- SOA-Manifesto


Nicolai Josuttis is an independent system architect, technical manager, author, and consultant. He designs mid-sized and large software systems for the telecommunication, traffic, finance, and manufacturing industries. He is well known both in the SOA and C++ Community and to attendees at various conferences. He is the author of SOA in Practice and has also written other books and articles about C++, object-oriented software development, and programming in general. He is a partner of
Currently, he is a team lead of the realization of a SOA at an international phone company.

Public: Public training are currently not available.

Contact Nicolai Josuttis
Tel.: +49 531 129 8886
Of course, the tutorial can get customized according to your needs.

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Copyright 2024 by Nicolai M. Josuttis